Harken, ye anti-texting dogs

I Profe{|s|s}e to teach thee, that art vtterly ignorant, to reade perfe{ct}ly, to write truly, and with iudgement to vnder­ {|st}and the rea|son of our Engli{|sh} tongue with great expedition, ea|se , and plea­|sure. from the English School Maister Clearly Langvich, like Arithmeticke, doth naught chan-geth. Language is your servant. Language is not your master. […]

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Observation Video – Elementary Math

Elementary Math Classroom Observation from Tom Woodward on Vimeo. This is a fairly straight forward classroom observation video aimed at helping teach our admins about gathering data. The focus of this particular video was engagement. I’ll be posting the pre-observation interview later. This is part of our revamped professional growth process. It’s pretty interesting if […]

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Cartoons keep speaking to me

These are not the voices you want reminding you of where education is headed. Centralized pacing guides, centrally created lesson plans and myriad of other choices are moving teachers into the role of trained chickens with little choice and less say about what happens in their classrooms. Standardization is great for planning and scaling but […]

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Speaking from experience . . .

Asked by one student how he could become President someday, Obama issued a warning about Facebook. “I want everybody here to be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life. That’s number one,” he said, according to […]

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We found this monster today. He’s a Hickory Horned Devil1. We researched him- learned about his habitat, that he’ll eventually become the regal moth, and the fact that he’s just about ready to burrow into the soil for pupation. We’ve found a lot of animals and insects this summer. Everything from tortoises to caterpillars- all […]

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