The ENVS Site Documentation & Program Syndication Aside

Example WordPress editor view for the custom post type publications. Indicates various specific entry fields that help keep authoring easy and structured.

We’re on our way to building an interesting knitting of sites for our Environmental Studies program. Imagine a tiered connection of syndication that moves from student portfolio sites at the base through courses in the middle and up to the program at the top. It’s a pyramid of aggregation where the metadata can be added […]

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Hiding Comment Emails

Will Wonka asking you to tell him again what WordPress can't do.

Obscuring emails in WordPress . . . the comments edition. This is likely overkill but given that VCU has concerns about student emails being divulged via group emails we figured it wouldn’t hurt. I don’t want a class requiring commenting on student sites and that resulting in student unintentionally divulging their VCU emails because they’re […]

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WordPress Multisite Email Hider

A drawing of a small terrier dog jumping through a hoop held by a monkey.

Virginia recently passed some FOIA legislation (and even more legislation) that says essentially that institutions can’t release student emails without written consent. That includes student directories and other fairly traditional things done with student emails. It led us to look at our WordPress multisite install.1 While a VCU email address is required to sign up […]

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