More Recent Work

frisbee surrounded by bright fall leaves.

Here is more recent work of a random nature. Some tours, some examples, basically a few highlights from this week that seem like they’d be vaguely interesting to someone.

Protein Molecules

Talking to one of pharmacy faculty about interactive 3d options led to his sending me a Blender file for a protein molecule. Initially, I exported it as a .object file and was using three.js to do the visualization and interaction.

I then found 3dmol.js which is pretty much everything I could want already built out. That did lead to some different file type requirements though. After a quick search I found that Blender has and addon called Atomic Blender that is also built just for this type of thing.

Now I can export that blender file into PDB and visualize it in 3dmol via URL parameters which is all kinds of awesome.

  1. Here’s one view.
  2. Here’s another. 

Tour of the Collaborative Genetics and Alcohol (COGA) Site

Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Tour

Download a PDF Certificate with Interactive Text Entry

This lets a participant fill in a sensitive number that we don’t store anywhere and download is with other information as a PDF.

See the Pen
js to pdf
by Tom (@twwoodward)
on CodePen.