Photoblogs: Inexhaustible Sources of Inspiration


Many of us have a core set of blogs we check everyday for insight and inspiration. Most of those blogs are text-base, yet there is a subcategory of blogs that focus on images. Photoblogs are blogs that feature pictures either found or taken. The layout and interface of a photoblog differs from the traditional blog. Typical photoblogs feature one picture at at time with a couple toggle buttons to move from one photo to the next. Some bloggers narrate their pictures and others let the photos speak for themselves.

I have to remind myself on a weekly basis that my students speak in a language of images–a language that sounds like broken English when I try to speak it. My mumbled and fumbled attempts are not in vain. My students understand that I am trying to show a level of respect for the world they are creating. I encourage you to consider this as you review your lessons and think about tweaking them for next year. If images are becoming the glue that holds our text-based lessons together, then imagine the power of telling a story or teaching a concept with images that are stitched together with words.

Photoblogs, Flickr, and other image-sharing sites are an untapped resources for transforming (or maybe even translating) our lessons for our students.

Photoblog Resources

The picture above is from Shorpy (via MetaFilter)–a blog dedicated to photos taken 100 years ago.