Weekly Web Harvest for 2016-04-10

  • How minimalism brought me freedom and joy / Boing Boing

    I have 238,795 unread emails in my inbox. Emails are a suggestion but not an obligation.

  • Body-hackers: the people who turn themselves into cyborgs | Art and design | The Guardian

    Ophthalmologists strongly advise against trying this at home: they say a single application of Ce6 can cause retinal haemorrhage and central retinal vein occlusion.

  • Image from page 758 of “A text-book of animal physiology, with introductory chapters on general biology and a full treatment of reproduction ..” (1889) | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

    exposition on insanity that has been issued in this country by an Amorioun alienist, and, furthermore, it is the most instructive and assimilable that can be placed at present in the hands of the student uninitiated in psychiatry. The instruction con- tained within its pages is a food thoroughly pre- pared for mental digestion; rich in the condiments that stimulate the appetite for learning, and sub- stantial in the more solid elements tiiat eular^re and strengthen the intellect.”—New Orleans Medi- cal and Surgical Journal. “

  • Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg

    Can you tell me what code is?”

    “No,” I said. “First of all, I’m not good at the math. I’m a programmer, yes, but I’m an East Coast programmer, not one of these serious platform people from the Bay Area.”

    I began to program nearly 20 years ago, learning via oraperl, a special version of the Perl language modified to work with the Oracle database. A month into the work, I damaged the accounts of 30,000 fantasy basketball players. They sent some angry e-mails. After that, I decided to get better.

  • How my doppelgänger used the Internet to find and befriend me | Fusion

    That may be in part because we are programmed to. Scientists have found that we’re friendlier to people who look like us. University of Washington scholar Ryan Calo thinks that will lead advertisers to morph the faces of spokesmodels in personalized, targeted ads to look like us so we’re more likely to buy their products. Scientists have also found we are more attracted to doppelgängers. That research led an entrepreneur to start a facial recognition-enabled dating site a few years back called “Find Your FaceMate” that embraced narcissism as the secret to true love. Though it claimed in 2012 to have attracted 50,000 customers, it shut down after its founder died at the end of 2013. FindYourFaceMate.com now contains tips for “smart motor mechanics.”

  • The sugar conspiracy | Ian Leslie | Society | The Guardian

    Teicholz’s book also describes how an establishment of senior nutrition scientists, at once insecure about its medical authority and vigilant for threats to it, consistently exaggerated the case for low-fat diets, while turning its guns on those who offered evidence or argument to the contrary. John Yudkin was only its first and most eminent victim.

  • 9 Elephants in the (Class)Room That Should “Unsettle” Us — Modern Learning — Medium

    We know that most of our students will forget most of the content that they “learn” in school. As Matthew Lieberman from UCLA notes, “For more than 75 years, studies have consistently found that only a small fraction of what is learned in the classroom is retained even a year after learning.”