Weekly Web Harvest (weekly)

  • “In 2011, a man calling himself Kurt Mac began walking his Minecraft avatar to the end of the world — the place where the game’s ability to create new land ahead of you starts to break down. It’s called The Far Lands and it’s a long journey to get there. So long, in fact, that Mac is still walking, and isn’t likely to reach The Far Lands for another 22 years. In the meantime, though, he has managed to build a large enough YouTube following that he was able to quit his job and now just walks to The Far Lands for a living.

    tags: weekly minecraft culture internet

  • Imagining learning as cartography.

    tags: paper town reality mapping youtube dataviz meta weekly

  • I’m not sure this writer has ever given instruction to people but it’s not that different.

    tags: computers bots language thinking weekly

  • “Several years later, they discovered Agloe on a Rand McNally map and confronted their competitor. But Rand was innocent: It had got the name from the county government, which had taken it from the Agloe General Store, which now occupied the intersection. The store had taken the name from a map by Esso, which had (apparently) copied it from Lindberg’s map. Agloe had somehow clambered from imagination into reality.”

    —–Now think how quickly this can happen and at what scale with the Internet.

    tags: reality maps mapping fiction weekly meta tweet

  • “To be clear, Bruno Banani deserves to be here. He qualified with a 28th-place finish at a World Cup race in December. But everything about him—from his background to his biography to his very name—is the whole-cloth creation of an underwear company.

    tags: weekly media olympics underwear marketing

  • “Third, the age seems to reward procedural architects. The giant Internet celebrities didn’t so much come up with ideas, they came up with systems in which other people could express ideas: Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc. That is to say they designed an architecture that possesses a center of gravity, but which allowed loose networks of soloists to collaborate.

    tags: machines computers culture weekly

  • “your life is your life
    don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
    be on the watch.
    there are ways out.
    there is a light somewhere.
    it may not be much light but
    it beats the darkness.
    be on the watch.
    the gods will offer you chances.
    know them.
    take them.
    you can’t beat death but
    you can beat death in life, sometimes.
    and the more often you learn to do it,
    the more light there will be.
    your life is your life.
    know it while you have it.
    you are marvelous
    the gods wait to delight
    in you.

    @Charles Bukowski”

    tags: weekly bukowski poetry light life

  • “The disease is largely a mystery. Researchers who are studying it are asking beach-walkers to photograph any starfish they see to tweet photos of it with the #sickstarfish tag. Starfish are important marine predators; a serious depletion of their numbers will have far-reaching consequences for marine ecosystems.

    tags: socialmedia research starfish hashtag # science weekly

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.