A Future Intro

I made this so we could talk to our staff about the TIP Chart (our technology integration progress rubric- which is pretty good). It’d work well for parents as well. It’s pretty interactive and fun in the beginning with a number of pretty funny questions mocking our ability to predict the future.

The intro slide sets the tone. I basically say “Where is my jet pack?” Then I try to get people talking about what they expected to have in the “future” that hasn’t materialized.

I then pose this question and then invite guesses from the audience as to why this eminent scientist believed high speed train travel would be impossible. After a while I show them the answer.

The key is that it gets people engaged at the beginning and it’s pretty funny- yet it is amazing how quickly things change.

The presentation then segues into what’s going on now. Since we can’t predict the future very well, we might as well show the “futuristic” things going on now. I showed brief selections from a few TED videos that I thought were cool and relevant to the topic. We hit parts of –

It’d also be a great place to discuss what you are doing, or want to do, that prepares kids for a future that you can’t even imagine. The emphasis I put was that change is not linear, it’s exponential and our focus needs to be on creating life long learners who can thrive in change.

If you want the Powerpoint or Keynote 4 file feel free to change and mutate to your heart’s content.

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