Embed Google Drive Folder in WordPress

>>>>>You can find an updated version here.

As WordPress and Google Drive continue to blend in a variety of ways the desire to embed the contents of Google Drive folders has come up a few times.

I found this Stack Overflow post a while back and had been using it myself. But in an attempt to get around iframe issues and make it a little friendlier I wrote a quick and dead simple plugin today. It seems to do the trick . . .


Assuming the plugin is installed and activated . . .

Go to Google Docs. Get the unique ID for the folder you want to embed- seen in the highlighted portion of the URL in the image below.
Screen Shot 2014-12-11 at 2.50.37 PM

Then paste it between the shortcodes like so . . .

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 3.03.20 PM
and you get a nice little window that acts as a live interactive portal to the folder.

6 thoughts on “Embed Google Drive Folder in WordPress

    1. Chris,

      That one didn’t have that option but I wrote a new version to do that. It’s slightly different in that the shortcode would be gdrive id=”YourFolderID” style=”grid” (but with square brackets). It works on my quick testing but I wrote it just a minute ago so let me know if it doesn’t do what you’d like.

  1. Is there a way to specify the sort order of the documents? I’m looking for reverse on the title (my titles start with the date like YYYY-MM-DD so the most recent is first) or have the most recently modified at the top (not guaranteed because I might rarely have to modify a previous upload but good enough). Thanks,

    1. I’m not seeing any options that would enable that. Forums seem to say no. I’ve look around a bit at the API and don’t really see that option either. Folders really seem to be treated as an afterthought. If I find anything else I’ll update here.

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