More Animation

Enough is probably enough but I’m enjoying the useless entertainment of the process. I spent all day writing a far more useless report and got no joy out of it so this helps with recovery. There’s also the potential of making a reservoir of these gifs for people to remix into stories.

Pulp Fiction

This scene has potential but I failed here pretty badly. I may have to break it half and match up the dancers separately in FinalCut. I think that’d work but right now it’s too much hassle. Christmas break is coming.


Of these two, I like the pushup one the best but the video quality leaves a lot to be desired. I need to order some of these on Netflix and get some decent resolution captures. There are a number of other scenes from odd movies that I can’t find on YouTube.


There’s a slow zoom in there that messes up the loop. I started hand resizing the frames to cancel that out but that was not what I was in this for. I do want everyone to see the Hulk petting the bunny.

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