Request: Pages to Gallery Page

I’m trying to do a better job documenting how to do some of the things people ask me to do. I’m doing it anyway, might as well do the documentation and share the love.

This was request to make a gallery page from/for a series of interviews on listening for a music appreciation course conducted by the wonderful Steve Ashby. This particular series was done in pages and, very helpfully, they were all child-pages of a particular parent-page which makes this really very easy.1

The page-list plugin will make this very easy.2 I think it was one that Alan pointed out at sometime in the past.

In any case, I can see the parameters for the shortcode here. We want all the child-pages and to show some sort of image. All we need to make that happen is this shortcode [pagelist_ext show_first_image=”1″] on the parent-page. Presto, we get what you see below (or at this link towards the bottom of the page).

Screen Shot 2016-01-30 at 2.27.16 PM

All in all, less than 10 minutes of work including writing this post.

1 If they’d been posts instead of pages I could have done something very, very similar with list category posts plugin. If they weren’t organized by category or by parent-child relationship, I would have been sad.

2 If you know it exists.