Pressbooks URL re-write with javascript

I supported the creation of a PressBooks OER textbook at VCU. It’s now getting published as part of a VIVA grant. As part of that, the book is imported into the central VIVA PressBooks site. They reached out to me indicating that the image links for WP media links were failing on the VIVA site. […]

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Add media storage amount to wpms sites view

For one of our multisites, I wanted an easy way to see show people the media storage usage per site. I did a bit of Googling and got a couple functions to get the size of a directory using PHP.1 Then I just appended it to the column I’d already customized to show the posts […]

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Revisiting Minimal WordPress

I’ve blogged a number of times over the years about minimizing the complexity that’s exposed in WordPress’s dashboard. I’ve done that in a couple different ways. The Gravity Forms-driven front end where you avoid WP’s dashboard entirely is one path. The other way was to just remove stuff that’s like irrelevant to different groups. I […]

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Request this workshop

I’m working on a DLINQ website and I’m recycling1 ideas I liked from the old ALT Lab website days.2 This one is about having a list of workshops that we normally offer and making it easy for people to request them. My goal is to try to meet people’s needs for workshops and make what […]

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Conditional Field Display in ACF Based on Options Value

In ACF, the conditional logic for fields is constrained to data found in the other fields in the group. That works for most things. In this case, I wanted to have an options page for the theme that allowed two different patterns for timeline events. If you choose the “structured events” pattern, I want to […]

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Taking Reservations in Gravity Forms

I should have written this post first, but I didn’t. Give me some credit. I’m still writing stuff on the Internet. The years have proven that’s a higher bar than one might expect. So, we want people to be able to register for events and we want to be able to send them emails, mark […]

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Deleting Gravity Form Reservations

I’m messing around with a reservation system that meshes with the Events Calendar Pro calendar system we use. We’re not trying to get people to pay for anything and we have a few other simple things that we want to do that makes a lot of the paid plugins for reservations messy. One of the […]

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