WordPress Data Attribute Pattern

Recently, I’ve had to push things back and forth between PHP and javascript but it seemed simpler at the time to use data attributes rather than doing it purely in javascript. It’s likely that I am wrong and stupid and I should have done it all in javascript but I’ll document it anyway. I never […]

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Dynamically Add Custom Taxonomy as Check Box Options in Gravity Forms

One of the things that makes workflows work is the removal of manual work. In this case, we want to make a simple way to track software updates. We’re using Gravity Forms to do this and we wanted to categorize the update types in a way that would help us see what was addressed by […]

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Gravity Forms to Events Calendar Pro (no approval needed)

A request a ways back to see Gravity Forms to Events Calendar Pro had a problem that I wasn’t aware of. It required being approved or updated to make it live. I didn’t realize that because we wanted to approve all the events before they went live. Here is another version that’s a bit more […]

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