Adding Gravity Form Merge Field Modifiers

Gravity Forms does all kinds of nice things with merge fields. These mail-merge-like chunks make it really easy to create content, send custom messages, or redirect people using the data submitted via forms. When your plain data doesn’t do what you need, there are a number of useful built in modifiers. I’ve mainly used the […]

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Gravity Forms to Events Calendar Pro

A screenshot of the advanced post creation dashboard with elements numbered 1 through 5.

I did some work making Gravity Forms create Events Calendar events back in 2017. Things have gotten easier with the Gravity Forms Advanced Post Creation plugin. I used this on the Anti-Racism site and forgot to document it. First set up your form so it gets you the data you need. You’ll need something like […]

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Changing the Order of Fields on Gravity Forms Mobile View

This is one of those odd needs that maybe no one will ever have but I think it’s worth documenting because you can do it. Seeing possibilities helps change how you think. While this scenario might be unique, you might have a different odd need that’s close enough that this inspires some different thoughts around […]

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Customizing Your Gravity Forms to Slack Message

A screenshot of the message generated by the markdown.

Gravity Forms has a great Slack addon that lets you push content from form submissions into Slack. I like it because you can centralize conversations in Slack while guiding submissions from people outside your organization. I’ve used it mainly for support requests. Slack is an easy place to discuss the submission (doing this via email […]

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Change WordPress slug on title change

I’m trying to post smaller pieces of code as they come up to better document things for myself and maybe it’ll end up helpful for others. So these things aren’t terribly exciting and may, in fact, be boring. The Context I set up a custom post type named “Cards” and another custom post type named […]

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Add an RSS Feed to Feed WordPress through Gravity Forms

Jim asked about a way to add feeds to Feed WordPress via Gravity Forms. I remember Martha did it for the OG version of DS106 but I couldn’t find the code. That led to me going through Alan’s Feed WordPress 101 and some nostalgia. Alas. After shaking off my longing for yesteryear, I figured I’d […]

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