Dabbling with the Mastodon API

I’ve been meaning to get all the stuff that used to be automated to Twitter to work with Mastodon. I took about 15 minutes1 after reading a Mastodon-related post from Alan to mess around and see what I could figure out. Now I’ve got 15 minutes to write it down. Consider that half an hour […]

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Gravity Forms, Open Street Map API, and Leaflet JS

I’m sketching this one out because it’s a fun mix of things. I’m going to use Gravity Forms to accept submissions, the Open Street Map API will convert the address into latitude/longitude, and then we’ll display the data on a Leaflet JS map. I could have done it all in Google but I was irritated […]

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Panopto API meets WordPress

Imagine you have some longer training videos but it’d be useful to provide discrete chunks. You might also want to provide some additional contextual information for particular video portions. Well, we wanted to be able to do that.1 This example uses the Panopto embed API and the Advanced Custom Fields repeater field to make this […]

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PHP Middleware for Keeping Your JS API Secrets Secret

Screenshot of a design context website where the weather data is being pulled via API.

Origin Story We were looking to pull in live weather data for a eco-related design contest that VCU Qatar is hosting. I found a free API for weather but wanted a way to use it via javascript and not expose any secrets. That led to the script below. Many APIs have query strings that require […]

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jQuery & the WordPress Rest API – 1st Image as Background

Ordinarily it’s pretty easy to get the featured image from the WordPress API. You just have to remember to add the _embed element like so https://bionicteaching.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?_embed But maybe there’s some reason you don’t want to set the featured image but want to get the first image from the body of the post. This chunk of […]

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