Panopto video link with captions on

We had a request to be able to make Panopto videos show the captions automatically. I thought that should be possible. The first thing I did was try to Google an answer. I ended up on the Panopto embed API page. It has enableCaptions as an option so I tried that in the URL in […]

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Indelible Google Doc Journal Entries

About a month ago, I did round one of the form-to-Google-Docs scripting post. Since then, we’ve done some testing and things are working well. There was a desire to have the ability to rename documents. That required some rethinking. It’s also quite possible that the add commenter function wasn’t working. In any case, it had […]

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Embedded Google Form 403 Error in Canvas

We found that a Google Form that was restricted to “Middlebury users only” was having issues displaying in Safari and Firefox. It returned a 403 error. It worked fine in Chrome. When it was open to the world, it worked in all browsers. The issue was the way in which the browsers treated cookies. In […]

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AI Prompting Matters: Round 3

Back in April, I did the first version of this presentation. That’s roughly 4 months ago. It feels like a lot has changed since then. As I revisited the presentation, I changed quite a bit. Some of those changes were due to the technology changing. Some changed based on my experience. I listened to 7 […]

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Canvas and bulk unpublishing files in a module

Problem Bulk publish/unpublish in Canvas modules does not work on files. The UI does not make that apparent at all. Semi-solution Support should have told me that I can go to files and do bulk publish/unpublish there. Those actions impact the files displayed in modules. It’s not a perfect response but it’s better than nothing. […]

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Google Sheets permissions issue and my beliefs about technology and institutional improvement

I was contacted by one of Middlebury’s schools abroad regarding a Google Sheets issue. It’s a pattern you’ve seen before. The main system didn’t support their edge-case needs.1 A person, who has recently moved to a new job elsewhere, set up some Google Sheets to accomplish the task. Now that this person was gone, no […]

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Multiple Regex Expressions in a Sublime Snippet

I still use Sublime when I’m not using VS Code. This isn’t the best idea but I do it anyway. One of the things I like about both programs is being able to create little shortcuts to create code I write a lot. It speeds things up and makes me more consistent. Both programs let […]

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