OpenAI API persona builder example

This takes the previous persona builder and shows it working with the OpenAI LTI. I’ve spent about 50 cents in testing so far over three days. That’s using the ChatGPT 4 model. Pricing is based on tokens which loosely equate to computing cycles. There are different rates for different models. I think this would be […]

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Javascript voice to text and text to voice

I took some of the Mozilla example code and tweaked it a tiny bit. Pretty crazy what you can do now with voice in the browser. The example below should let you record you voice to text and then have it speak that text back to you. See the Pen speech stuff by Tom (@twwoodward) […]

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ChatGPT Prompt Generator for Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory

I’m working with a faculty member who wanted an AI persona for practicing difficult workplace conversations. The end goal is audio interaction and maybe a visual representation. I try to approach projects like these in stages. Can I build the stages out so that if we hit a wall, the stuff we’ve built to that […]

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WordPress CSV import to custom post type and taxonomies

Ever since Google Sheets killed the native JSON feeds, a number of projects of mine have broken and been left adrift. One of those projects was my activities list for conferences and various things like that. On Tuesday, we were asked to revisit our work profiles. One of the requested items was “Relevant publications, presentations, […]

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Change WordPress slug on title change

I’m trying to post smaller pieces of code as they come up to better document things for myself and maybe it’ll end up helpful for others. So these things aren’t terribly exciting and may, in fact, be boring. The Context I set up a custom post type named “Cards” and another custom post type named […]

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Panopto API meets WordPress

Imagine you have some longer training videos but it’d be useful to provide discrete chunks. You might also want to provide some additional contextual information for particular video portions. Well, we wanted to be able to do that.1 This example uses the Panopto embed API and the Advanced Custom Fields repeater field to make this […]

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Detox Site – Energy-conscious website breakdown

Screenshot of the carbon rating saying "Uh oh! This web page is dirtier than 99% of web pages tested."

The following is what I wrote for this year’s DLINQ Digital Detox. It was strange writing without footnotes. It’s also a lot less of my normal writing voice. I was writing for a bunch of strangers rather than you, my dear readers.1 It’s easy to use the web without thinking about it much. Modern processors, […]

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