Canvas and bulk unpublishing files in a module

Problem Bulk publish/unpublish in Canvas modules does not work on files. The UI does not make that apparent at all. Semi-solution Support should have told me that I can go to files and do bulk publish/unpublish there. Those actions impact the files displayed in modules. It’s not a perfect response but it’s better than nothing. […]

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Canvas data and academic integrity

Another entry in my I-guess-other-people-might-have-to-write-something-like-this series of posts . . . The following is my initial attempt to contextualize Canvas data should it be requested in academic integrity investigations. This is my own opinion and doesn’t represent any place I might or might not work.<footnote>See how vague that sentence is? That means it’s basically a […]

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WordPress and ACF as an HTML generator for Canvas Catalog

I’ve written before about trying to figure out some decent ways to customize Canvas Catalog. It’s not a straightforward path. I put together a mix of HTML and CSS on top of the basic bootstrap stuff that Catalog comes with. Unfortunately, that meant I was a choke point in creating new course listings. While we’re […]

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Fixing missing anchor links in Canvas ePub Export

I’m using a free tool called Sigil1 to fix missing anchor link attributes in an ePub export from Canvas. This issue is probably because the course was created with CidiLabs Design Tools and the export just isn’t made to handle the complexity of an external tool like this. 1 If I was stuck doing […]

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Customizing the text in Canvas Catalog enrollment buttons

As usual, just knocking out the hit titles! Canvas Catalog just doesn’t have much in terms of options. That’s been tricky for us. We do a number of odd things. We’re getting around this so far by using the ability to put custom javascript at the catalog or sub-catalog level. It’s not what I dream […]

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Brute Forcing Canvas Catalog

Canvas Catalog is a front-end Instructure sells so that institutions can create a storefront for courses held in Canvas. In our case, we’re starting to do some paid non-credit courses. While I had a variety of interactions with Catalog back at VCU, I wasn’t deeply involved and most of our goals were fairly linear. It’s […]

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