Customizing the text in Canvas Catalog enrollment buttons

As usual, just knocking out the hit titles! Canvas Catalog just doesn’t have much in terms of options. That’s been tricky for us. We do a number of odd things. We’re getting around this so far by using the ability to put custom javascript at the catalog or sub-catalog level. It’s not what I dream […]

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Javascript voice to text and text to voice

I took some of the Mozilla example code and tweaked it a tiny bit. Pretty crazy what you can do now with voice in the browser. The example below should let you record you voice to text and then have it speak that text back to you. See the Pen speech stuff by Tom (@twwoodward) […]

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Brute Forcing Canvas Catalog

Canvas Catalog is a front-end Instructure sells so that institutions can create a storefront for courses held in Canvas. In our case, we’re starting to do some paid non-credit courses. While I had a variety of interactions with Catalog back at VCU, I wasn’t deeply involved and most of our goals were fairly linear. It’s […]

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WordPress Data Attribute Pattern

Recently, I’ve had to push things back and forth between PHP and javascript but it seemed simpler at the time to use data attributes rather than doing it purely in javascript. It’s likely that I am wrong and stupid and I should have done it all in javascript but I’ll document it anyway. I never […]

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Download Panopto Playlist Videos Bookmarklet

I always thought bookmarklets were cool. I still think they are cool. I like the idea of little tiny tools that live in a place reserved for something else entirely. Alan has 89 posts mentioning bookmarklets. That’s also a clue that they’re interesting. What drove this was that Panopto removing the RSS feed option in […]

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Same content, different navigation

In this imperfect world, I often get involved in project after decisions have been made and content has been created. This is one of those scenarios. What we have is an online textbook. It has a sidebar menu for each section and at the bottom of each page are buttons for the previous/next page. Pretty […]

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Get your Jamboard text

A screenshot of Chrome with the developer tools open and the Elements tab selected. A search for .jam-frame-active is shown with the contextual menu showing to allowing copying of the element.

We’re doing some strategic planning in Google’s Jamboard. I find it good for the live/interactive aspects of the conversation but when I was looking back over it, it was hard for me to read and organize in my head. I decided I wanted the text from the various sticky notes in a spreadsheet so that […]

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Send Email to Different Addresses Based on Form Responses in Google Script

That title’s SEO gold, Jerry! I’ve used this pattern several times recently so I figured I’d write it up and break up the endless stream of “Weekly Web Harvest” posts. Google Forms are great but the options for doing more with emails are limited. Often people want to be alerted to a submission or to […]

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Recent Work – End of June Edition

Early Engineers website screenshot.

Greetings dear reader. I write to you again out of the desperate hope that writing this cements things I’ve learned better in my own head and maybe gives a person out there something that saves them some time or suffering or maybe just provides a kernel of an idea that they can improve on. That’s […]

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All the TAGS Twitter Avatars

I have someone who gathered a bunch of tweets for their research using Martin’s TAGS aggregator. She wanted to show all the avatars. Once I published the spreadsheet, here’s all the javascript needed to make that happen. It’s lightly annotated for your reading pleasure and the functioning codepen example is included below. See the Pen […]

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