Dabbling with the Mastodon API

I’ve been meaning to get all the stuff that used to be automated to Twitter to work with Mastodon. I took about 15 minutes1 after reading a Mastodon-related post from Alan to mess around and see what I could figure out. Now I’ve got 15 minutes to write it down. Consider that half an hour […]

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All the TAGS Twitter Avatars

I have someone who gathered a bunch of tweets for their research using Martin’s TAGS aggregator. She wanted to show all the avatars. Once I published the spreadsheet, here’s all the javascript needed to make that happen. It’s lightly annotated for your reading pleasure and the functioning codepen example is included below. See the Pen […]

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PHP Middleware for Keeping Your JS API Secrets Secret

Screenshot of a design context website where the weather data is being pulled via API.

Origin Story We were looking to pull in live weather data for a eco-related design contest that VCU Qatar is hosting. I found a free API for weather but wanted a way to use it via javascript and not expose any secrets. That led to the script below. Many APIs have query strings that require […]

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