- The “Jennifer Aniston neuron” is the foundation of compelling new memory research — Quartz
“We have a relatively limited memory capacity and that much of our perception of our memory is in fact an illusion.”
” Looking for the areas of the brain that cause epileptic seizures, Quiroga discovered that one subject had a neuron that steadily fired whenever she was shown a photo of Jennifer Aniston. It didn’t fire for other celebrities, but seemed linked to the concept of Jennifer Aniston. Another subject had a Halle Berry neuron, and another had one that fired in response to Bill Clinton.” - The Suit That Couldn’t Be Copied – The New Yorker
Among the interesting things about Savile Row is that the people who work there have complete confidence that what they do is genuinely different and better than what other people can do. They appear to invite scrutiny, arguing that when their work is examined, it will be found admirable. Not only did Taub say yes; he also offered to give me a garment, so that it could be taken apart and so that the tailor who was trying to reproduce it would have the best possible information. His reasoning was that something made by Gieves & Hawkes could be taken apart but not put back together again in as lovely a form. Many of the decisions that go into making a garment what it is—how tightly a piece of cloth is pinched when it is sewn, or what angle the needle enters at—leave no trace except in the result.
- HTML5 homesteading – O’Reilly Media
sign in required but . . .
- Police 3D-printed a murder victim’s finger to unlock his phone | The Verge
law enforcement officers approached a professor at Michigan State earlier this year to reproduce a murder victim’s fingerprint from a prerecorded scan. Once created, the 3D model would be used to create a false fingerprint, which could be used to unlock the phone.
- What Happens When The Government Thinks You’re Dead? — The Awl
I also had my cat, so I was trying to keep sanity for her, because she’d know if I was having a bad day and that would affect her.
- The Future of Browser History — Free Code Camp
In other words, we do not usually search for something that leads to a single result that answers our question, rather we search for terms and then explore the internet, connecting bits and pieces of the answer as we read through the web of tabs that our search starts for us.
- The :target Trick
Some simple but useful ideas for using the :target class