- The Hottest Chat App for Teens Is Google Docs – The Atlantic
They’ll clone a teacher’s shared Google document, then chat in the comments, so it appears to the casual viewer that they’re just making notes on the lesson plan. If a teacher approaches to take a closer look, they can click the Resolve button, and the entire thread will disappear. - Chris Anderson on Twitter: “As an industry, we had high hopes for the use of drones in anti-poaching efforts. But in hot climates everything looks hot to airborne thermal cameras and fleet logistics are crippling. Dogs work much better. Sobering report fr
reality vs tech - How UT-Austin’s Bold Plan for Reinvention Went Belly Up – The Chronicle of Higher Education
The costs of filming a new SMOC are between $9,000 and $66,000, according to data provided by Williams, with about two-thirds of classes between spring 2015 and fall 2018 costing more than $20,000. These figures don’t include instructional costs.___________
Project 2021’s budget would rest on three legs: the university system, which would contribute a one-time $16 million; the extended campus, with revenue from non-degree-seeking students and other operations; and the provost’s office, which would kick in a few million dollars annually.