- The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate / Coder’s Block
- Consent in Crisis: The Rapid Decline of the AI Data Commons
- Reading from the Clipboard in JavaScript – Frontend Masters Boost
- Using Chatgpt-4o to Redesign My Homepage – D’Arcy Norman dot net
“I then manually removed some obsolete links and items, and the finished version of home.darcynorman.net works pretty much exactly how I’ve wanted it. And it works MUCH better on phone-sized displays.” - Set Up Your Robots.txt | Dark Visitors
- Dava | Transform Data into Interactive Stories with Ease
Of course, I’m not naive enough to think some won’t try. Undoubtedly, a few product-minded shops will attempt to wring every bit of promise out of AI. But I guarantee you, just as the sun is going to rise tomorrow, the developers in charge of monitoring and analyzing that code will do no such thing. Reading and verifying lines of code day in, day out, instead of writing it would be quite literally a final boss level to Dante’s ninth circle of hell for a developer. So here’s what will really happen: The AI assistant will churn out code that no one’s going to bother reading. The systems will rapidly devolve into an unfathomable mess. Critical bugs and security holes will proliferate.. When the AI system is asked to patch it, it will attempt to do so, but due to the technical issues mentioned previously, it will do so but at the sacrifice of creating even more bugs and security issues. And so forth. - Portfolio Demo – WP Grid Builder
- edubadges/edubadges-server: Edubadges: A SURF project for Open Badge issuing and management with Django.
still kicking - llm-sampling
What influences the LLM’s next word?h/t Amy Collier