Weekly Web Harvest for 2016-07-10

Comparing Fully-Online vs Mixed-Course Enrollment Data -e-Literate The Online Photographer: The Angry Man “Many years ago when I was but a wee clod-kicker in high school, I had amazing conversation with a pretty blonde girl in english class about the ‘news.’ She stated proudly that she didn’t pay any attention to current events…bragged actually. I […]

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Weekly Web Harvest for 2016-07-03

The land grab for farm data | TechCrunch Specifically, ownership and control of agronomic and equipment data is understood to have dramatic escalating value. Which seed varieties were the most successful and where? Which plant populations performed best? Whose recommendations (e.g. nitrogen programs) outperformed their peers? Which input datasets are used for these recommendations, how […]

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Weekly Web Harvest for 2016-06-12

Glitch City – BLDGBLOG Sites of urban infrastructure and other industrial facilities integral to municipal management, from fire stations to fuel depots, appear to be the target of deliberate erasure in Baidu’s street maps. Nick Bostrom: ‘We are like small children playing with a bomb’ | Technology | The Guardian The axes of daunting-looking graphs […]

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