Photography – Week 55

There’s likely to be some sort of yearly retrospective at some point but until then these are (mainly) traveling shots. We’ve gone from Richmond VA to Huntsville AL and then to Jacksonville FL. All interesting highway paths. Shooting from the car is a challenge. It mixes aspects of landscape photography and the speed of street photography. I’m also shooting with the 85mm so that also adds an element of challenge as there is no zoom.

tugboat on the marsh
I like marsh areas like this. The tugboat and the trees helped set it off.

The beach boys
I tend to shoot silhouette shots at the beach. I liked the captured motion in this one.

Overpass Santa
This guy was waving to cars on Christmas morning. People are interesting.

See Rock City Today
A classic “See Rock City” shot. The barn is red. The road is unpaved. The roof is rusted.

The Santa hat sets it off
Another Christmas day shot. The Santa hat sets off the outfit.

Vultures and highway roadkill
A huge number of vultures surrounded this particular piece1 roadkill. We almost hit this vulture. I liked the strangely watercolor-like effect here even though the focus would likely have been better on the vulture.

The beach

The mix of human made straight lines and the natural curves were the elements that appealed to me here.

echoes of older times
Someday I will go here. I’ve shot it a few other times from the highway. It is everything I like to photograph- the residue of previous use creating new patterns, the mixture of decay and construction etc. etc.

I like the colors and the mix of mural and foreground buildings.

1 I guess “piece” is the right term.