- WWW FAQs: What is the maximum length of a URL?
Firefox (Browser)
After 65,536 characters, the location bar no longer displays the URL in Windows Firefox 1.5.x. However, longer URLs will work. I stopped testing after 100,000 characters.
- Directus: Open-Source Headless CMS and API
might be fun to try out at some point
- South Carolina Inmate May Have Used Drone in Prison Escape, Officials Say – The New York Times
They are physically incarcerated, but they are no longer virtually incarcerated,” Mr. Stirling said.
- Rubik’s Snake – Wikipedia
“The snake is not a problem to be solved; it offers infinite possibilities of combination. It is a tool to test out ideas of shape in space. Speaking theoretically, the number of the snake’s combinations is limited. But speaking practically, that number is limitless, and a lifetime is not sufficient to realize all of its possibilities.”[3]
- dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
This document originated from a bunch of most commonly used links and learning resources I sent to every new web developer on our full-stack web development team.
What I’m doing in this document now is trying to provide the complete view angle of modern web (app or page) development ruled by JavaScript, reflect technological advance and help developers to acquire APIs, libraries, tools, services, best practices and learning resource which are not outdated and most commonly used.
I hope this document can help one developer to have more power to do much more and much better, just like a spellbook does in fantasy worlds.
The JS/web technology is like an ocean of stuff you don’t know. Simply collecting more stuff or composing dozens of “awesome lists” into a single one will only exacerbate the Javascript Fatigue. So this document must stay lean and focus on the most frequent problems and the most commonly used stuff. - In general, you should interview every quarter for a higher paying job. Legality of what I am wri… – justpaste.it
In general, you should interview every quarter for a higher paying job.
- PDFx – Extract references and metadata from PDF documents, and download all referenced PDFs | Chris Hager
- Scripting News: June 21, 2017
BTW, I hate the term “eating the dogfood.” As much as I love dogs, it says that our users are pets, not sentient human beings, our equals. It also says our software is dog food. I think as a kid, as an experiment, a few of us kids actually ate dog food. It’s a vague memory, that must have some basis in reality. It makes me nauseous to think about it. And that’s what I think about when I hear the term. Please, let’s find another way of saying “My software is good because I use it, and vice versa.”#
—Plus dog food is not good. Even dogs don’t like it.
- The Government Says It Wasted Millions of Dollars Dressing the Afghan Army in Proprietary Camouflage
There, they came across HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., a company whose name seems to have tumbled out of a comic book (and which has, in fact, made uniforms for a Marvel movie, the bad Iron Man one).
Founded in 1999, the Canadian company started out around a plan to make “hyperbaric chambers and passive negative-ion generators for professional hockey players,” according to the Atlantic, but later pivoted to making copyrighted camouflage patterns, and maybe one day an invisibility cloak.
- 6 Resources that Designed Me as a Web Developer – Hacker Noon
Usually we choose which resources to review according to our skills set and our fields of interest. There are some resources that make us feel different after viewing/reading them. This feeling is hard to explain. It can be the understanding of issue we are trying to solve or something that wire up our points of knowledge.