How Amalia Ulman Became an Instagram Celebrity — Vulture
“How did the actress’s very public mental breakdown, and the national schadenfreude it inspired, factor into your project?”
Keshif – Simplicity Driven Visual Faceted Browser
Interesting facet based browsing like Simile
The Triumphant Rise of the Shitpic – The Awl
“Shoddy workarounds and subpar image quality are a small sacrifice to make, so long as your version of a joke goes viral instead of someone else’s. That the image is a muddled cacophony of compression artifacts and blurry emoji matters little, so long as your screenname is above it.”
A Town, if Not a Painting, Is Restored – NYTimes.com
“Meanwhile, the longtime parish priest, who insisted that he did not formally authorize the touch-up, has been exiled to Zaragoza.
How to Run an Iowa BIG: Our Space #gowhalephants | ThinkThankThunk
” One of the space-related changes is the seeking of help. The demand for instruction must come from the student. We use our space at Vault as a perpetual conversation that moves from project to project never quite stopping even thought the participants move on to drum line or a traditional course in chemistry.”
Tips for Designing a Connected Home That Isn’t Chaos | WIRED
“Today, consumers buy kitchen appliances, and then take them home and do whatever they want with them. But if that product is “connected,” chances are it’s been pre-loaded with someone else’s idea of what a person should be doing with it. And no matter how well meaning that someone else is, when the objects we own contradict us, that’s going to be a frustrating experience.”
“”Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one [thing]. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will be as good as your ambitions.” ~Ira Glass, NPR
Ira on Creative Mastery”
The Glamorous Dog Pageants of New York’s Elite — Vantage — Medium
“And here I am flashing this tiny little dog in the face trying to get my shot and it made me feel disgusting. It was very weird.”
sixpenceee: A graduate student has created the…
“A graduate student has created the first man-made biological leaf. It absorbs water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen just like a plant. He did this by suspending chloroplasts in a mixture made out of silk protein. He believed it can be used for many things but the most striking one is the thought that it could be used for long distance space travel. Plants do not grow in space, but this synthetic material can be used to produce oxygen in a hostile environment. “