Bloom’s Rocks!

Rocks are going to REVOLUTIONIZE education! Just look how easily rocks cover all levels of Bloom’s!

Flying without a license


I write things on my rocks and it helps me remember. I can also use rocks as eco-friendly flash cards.

Quartz Varieties


Comparing my rock to other rocks demonstrates my understanding. Sometime I categorize all of my rocks.

Skip Rock


I apply what I know about physics and use my kinesthetic intelligence to skip my rock.

Molasse inspection


I like to use conglomerates to help me differentiate between components and analyze the role of different composite pieces.


Sometimes I just sit on a large rock, quietly reflecting on my rock- thinking about how we are all on a large rock and stuff like that.
Greet the Golden Hour


My rock can be used to make many things. I use it as a hammer mostly but I can stack my rocks into cool towers, use it as a canvas, make it into an arrowhead, or use to ground grain.

7 thoughts on “Bloom’s Rocks!

  1. 60 rocks in 60 seconds! New rock tools to revolutionize your classroom!

    I hereby trademark those two conference presentation titles, including needless exclamation point.

    Pwned you rocks.

    Oh wait, one more,

    Rocks rock!

    1. I’m never fast enough on copyrighting my great presentation ideas. I would attend 60 rocks in 60 seconds at least twice!

  2. I wonder how many people in the Ed Tech world would read this and be either completely pissed off, or actually take the time to reflect on their over-puffed cheerleading of their beloved devices? That having been said, my devices are still way better than your crummy old rocks; they come with shiny stickers!

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