Clarence Fisher on Classroom Studios

Clarence Fisher of Remote Access has been kind enough to work through some thoughts on creating a classroom studio on his blog. I find his insights and questions helpful as I try to more fully realize my goal of making my classroom more construtivist and less legalistic.

I can’t help but pine for what he is attempting as I look ahead toward two major standardized assessments this year. While I wish for more freedom to give my students space to explore their interests and see the power of language, my time is being chipped away to make standard-based assessments, test and quizzes that mirror the state assessments, and lessons that teach a narrow set of concepts that every eighth grade student must have minimal mastery (lord, is that an oxymoron or what?!). Sometimes I feel like Moses as I look at all the amazing potential technology has to frame real learning (skills and desire as opposed to lists of concepts, etc.). Moses asked god to let him see the promise land even though he knew he would never step foot in it. I look at the “put out the fire” mentality of education today and get impatient and frustrated. A quick pedagogical revolution (another oxymoron) could unleash a time of learning not seen since The Enlightenment, yet I sit on my hill stealing glances into the future as I make sure my multiple choice quiz is formatted with the proper rotating sets of letters that parallel the writing test in March.

Thanks for letting me vent. We still fight the good fight, but it’s hard to be bridled.  Below you will find links to Clarence’s posts on the subject of Classroom Studios along with the wiki.

Initial Post

Networks vs. Studios

Further Reflection

Making Changes

Visions of a Studio

Unit Planning

The Wiki