I have some how found myself on our district’s copyright committee and we’re redesigning our whole course for teachers. It’s been pretty interesting and I only occasionally want to kill myself. Luckily, I’m with a bunch of ninja librarian copyright experts who are handling all the heavy lifting while I make jokes.
The site is up here (but not finished) if you’re interested.
There are some odd comic style scenarios I’m making as well. They are at least marginally funny although I realize I have a Comic Life addiction but I’m seeking help.
LOL, Never use anything by Disney. It’s so true, and yet sad at the same time.
I don’t know if you ever tire of receiving compliments, but nice work. We definitely have to collaborate on something this summer.
I don’t know if you saw the Disney copyright mashup at http://thousandrobots.com/temp/fairuse.mp4 but it’s worth checking out. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with that.
Compliments never hurt 🙂
I’m more than game for doing something fun this summer. I’ve got a project based class this summer where I get to pick what I’m going to do. I’m thinking of doing something using MIT exhibit and maybe the history SOLs. I don’t know. Any ideas for a major project?