As a family, we have a tendency to wait until the last minute for most things. My oldest son, wanted Valentine’s Day cards with him hanging off a cliff. Somehow we didn’t get that done and it was suddenly tonight at about 7:00 PM.
So, I had him hang off one of the stairs and shot it from above. No flash and crappy lighting but a decent enough shot for what we needed. Five minutes later and we had a cliff view thanks to Google. Another 10 minutes of Photoshop between the two of us and we were able to push the finished shot straight to Walmart for printing.1
After I got everyone to bed, I was able to pick up 35 copies.2
I don’t want to make any sweeping generalizations, I just thought it was pretty impressive that we can do things like that in so little time, with so little effort.
I should have sent my orders to you yesterday- my homemade plans were foiled when I realized we were out of ink on the printer. I will be forced to by Dora at the store this morning
I’m happy to take custom orders. There will be a small additional fee . . .
You forgot the most important part of the story! Why did your son want a Valentine of himself falling off a cliff?
Best. Valentine. Ever.