List Posts/Pages in WordPress Multisite Admin Sites View

Mulsite admin sites panel showing an extra column indicating the number of published posts and pages on the sites.

Mulsite admin sites panel showing an extra column indicating the number of published posts and pages on the sites.

This is a little something that’ll help you see activity across a multisite. It adds a column to the admin view that shows the posts/pages count for each site.

I found this plugin that got me the foundation for adding the column and then was able to just use the switch_blog function to get me a count of published posts and pages. Do note that it doesn’t count drafts.1

This column in conjunction with the already existing last updated column should give you a good idea when a site has been abandoned or was never really started.

We could get fancier down the road and do some sort of math to take the last updated date, published posts/pages counts, and any other stuff we want and build a score to rate the likelihood that the site is abandoned.

// Hook to columns on network sites listing
add_filter( 'wpmu_blogs_columns', 'rampages_blogs_columns' );
* To add a columns to the sites columns
* @param array
* @return array
function rampages_blogs_columns($sites_columns)
    //array_slice ( array $array , int $offset [, int|null $length = NULL [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE ]] ) : array

    $columns_1 = array_slice( $sites_columns, 1, 2 );//decide where to put the column in the existing columns
    $columns_2 = array_slice( $sites_columns, 2 );
    $sites_columns = $columns_1 + array( 'content' => 'Posts/Pages' ) + $columns_2;//title
    return $sites_columns;

function sort_rampages_sites_custom_column(){
    $columns['content'] = 'Posts/Pages'; //title it
    return $columns;

// Hook to manage column data on network sites listing
add_action( 'manage_sites_custom_column', 'rampages_sites_custom_column', 10, 2 );

* Show page post count
* @param string
* @param integer
* @return void
function rampages_sites_custom_column($column_name, $blog_id)
    if ( $column_name == 'content' ) {
         switch_to_blog($blog_id);//not aware of a function that'll do this based on blog ID so we switch instead
            $pages = wp_count_posts('page','publish')->publish;
            $posts = wp_count_posts('post', 'publish')->publish;
    if ($posts < 1){
        $posts = 0;
    if ($pages < 1){
        $pages = 0;
        echo  $posts . '/' . $pages ;

1 I feel like I have more drafts than posts on this site so maybe I need to reconsider that.