NS Cloner Function Details

NS Cloner is a plugin to duplicate sites in a WordPress multisite environment.

It’s particularly nice because it has a function that you can call from other processes. Their documentation is not quite as nice. It gets you started but it’s clearly meant for people who are pretty comfortable. The following sentence is indicative of who their audience is.

These are the same fields that get submitted via an AJAX request when cloning via the admin interface, so you can inspect that request to determine other ways to configure the parameters, particularly if you’re using NS Cloner Pro and have more options available.

So here’s the information you get if you inspect that AJAX request. It might save someone else a minor step or it might allow someone new to programming to move on when they wouldn’t have otherwise. I’ve commented it up a bit. I’m also putting it here so I won’t lose it and have to look it up again. To be clear none of those things are a big deal but little bits of friction build up. They eat into cognitive and emotional bandwidth and stop people from trying to do new things.

If you want to know how to inspect an AJAX request via Chrome yourself this Stackoverflow response does a good job describing it.