This is a pretty nice little video1 explaining entropy while at the same time giving tips on how to create a good science video. It’s made by Small Mammal who makes short videos for people like NPR.
And the whole thing is part of a science video contest for Ars Technica that you can submit to here.
1 There is a pre-roll Canon ad.
The USA Science and Engineering Festival challenged students across the nation to make a video that tells us “Why Science is Cool”. The video contest received over 100 entries, and the awards ceremony was hosted Oct. 24 in Washington, D.C., by Bill Nye the Science Guy, as part of the festival’s Expo on the National Mall. Top prizes include an HD camcorder (first prize), in addition to cash donations assigned to the students’ school science or technology programs, WOLFRAM Mathematica visualization software, and Adobe PREMIERE editing software.
I think they need to up their prizes. That seems fairly weak.
The prompt pains me as well.