I take screenshots of things I think are strange or perhaps illuminate something about the strange world we now inhabit. Think of it as my personal take on The New Aesthetic. All of these images are pulled from my actual life and interactions with former classmates, friends, coworkers etc. There are a blurred out series of iffy pictures down there if you’re easily offended you might opt to skip this post.
Laser toe fungus available now.
Social media makes some really awkward conversations permanent.
I am influential in Zoolander, very, very influential. This happened shortly before I deleted all of my authority.
Some things you shouldn’t tweet from Harper’s Weekly Review(which would also make a great project).
Laptops don’t even make the list any more. Strange times.
The app-ification of education is proceeding at full speed. Reality doesn’t matter much and we’re losing the war of perception.
These four images are someone’s Instagram likes posted in Facebook.I can’t believe he realized this would happen, yet here it is.Social media makes for some really uncomfortable juxtapositions.
Modern day job benefits are not what they once were. Geek desks and monster monitors are pretty attractive to me though.
Someone I follow re-tweeting CNN’s coverage of Greek issues showing up right next to Real Time WWII Tweets also dealing with Greek issues. Everything about that is odd to me.
Buying Instagram friends? I guess you could do that.
Archive.org’s version of Maria Montessori’s The Absorbent Mind seems to have suffered water damage prior to being scanned.I found this hilarious.