Observations on Technology Use in Hong Kong Protests Telegram is the preferred messenger app among protesters. It’s used for one-on-one messaging between people, among small groups of people to coordinate, and among very large groups to amplify and disseminate information. The polls feature in Telegram is also a way of affirming consensus in group decision making.
This Company Built a Private Surveillance Network. We Tracked Someone With It – VICE This tool, called Digital Recognition Network (DRN), is not run by a government, although law enforcement can also access it. Instead, DRN is a private surveillance system crowdsourced by hundreds of repo men who have installed cameras that passively scan, capture, and upload the license plates of every car they drive by to DRN’s database. DRN stretches coast to coast and is available to private individuals and companies focused on tracking and locating people or vehicles. The tool is made by a company that is also called Digital Recognition Network.
From drawing room to courtroom: SketchUp in crime scenes | SketchUp Blog Technical illustrator and SketchUp veteran Joshua Cohen stays busy helping attorneys build stronger cases through visual storytelling. Between 2004-2008, Fat Pencil Studio primarily served real estate clients, but the recession changed everything. Now about 80% of their business is related to litigation. They use SketchUp to help attorneys make a stronger case. Equipped with SketchUp, Joshua and his team of designers at Fat Pencil Studio analyze problems, surface new perspectives, and bring narratives to life in 3D.