- Spotify ejects thousands of AI-made songs in purge of fake streams | Ars Technica
Spotify, the largest audio streaming business, recently took down about 7 percent of the tracks that had been uploaded by Boomy, the equivalent of “tens of thousands” of songs, according to a person familiar with the matter.Recording giant Universal Music had flagged to all the main streaming platforms that it saw suspicious streaming activity on Boomy tracks, according to another person close to the situation.
The Boomy songs were removed because of suspected “artificial streaming”—online bots posing as human listeners to inflate the audience numbers for certain songs.
AI has made this type of activity easier because it allows someone to instantly generate many music tracks, which can then be uploaded online and streamed.
- HMML Palimpsest Project
Narrowband multispectral imaging is often the first technology applied to imaging a palimpsest. This non-destructive technique projects multiple narrow wavelengths of light onto the sheet – ranging from ultraviolet through the visible and infrared – visually amplifying compounds found in inks, pigments, and residue. The resulting data, which captures this response, must be processed to produce images and adjusted to enhance specific areas of text. - OpenSeadragon
- Annotorious | A Javascript Image Annotation Library