Weekly Web Harvest (weekly)

  • “The protesters are dependent on mobile apps to coordinate their huge, seemingly unstoppable uprising, and someone — maybe the Politburo, maybe a contractor — has released virulent Ios and Android malware into their cohort, and the pathogens are blazing through their electronic ecosystem.

    The Android malware spreads via Whatsapp messages; the Ios version — “Xsser Mrat” — is spread through Cydia, an alternative to Apple’s App Store. They masquerade as messenger apps from the activist group Code4HK. The Apple version uses the same command server as the Chinese version of the Xsser cross-site scripting hacking tool.”
    “The protesters are dependent on mobile apps to coordinate their huge, seemingly unstoppable uprising, and someone — maybe the Politburo, maybe a contractor — has released virulent Ios and Android malware into their cohort, and the pathogens are…

    tags: IFTTT Delicious Diigo hong kong mobile malware hong kong ios virus android weekly future government

  • “Screen shots from Google Street View, where the Google robot automatically blurs every face it recognizes – including statues’ ones.”

    tags: IFTTT Delicious Diigo statues gods google streetview technology weekly

  • “The only countries competing to host the 2022 Winter Olympics are Kazakhstan and China. Ever other country pulled out after their citizens voted against the idea.”

    tags: IFTTT Delicious Diigo weekly olympics

  • ““Think of it this way,” he said. “A photograph of Clinton does not need to be a photograph of the full spatial extent of his body. Just a representative part of his body will do. The same applies for temporal parts; a photograph of one stage of Clinton is a photograph of Clinton. Even a baby picture of Clinton is a picture of President Clinton.”

    tags: weekly philosophy photography Clinton

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.