The California Sunday Magazine
“She waves to one of her neighbors, but only after dark, so that the other neighbors won’t see”
Google News Redesign Concept for Objective Reading – PSFK
On the function side, Google intends to make the news as balanced and objective as possible with options including comparisons of the same story from multiple, competing news sources, news only from eyewitnesses, and a graphic coverage timeline to track the progress of reporting as well as the events of the story.
Making the most detailed tweet map ever | Mapbox
” And here is what those 6,341,973,478 tweets look like on a map, at any scale you want.”
Chart Brut: How the MS-Paint Graphics of Conspiracy Took Over the Web
“There’s a new style of folk art booming on the internet: The crudely rendered, text-and-arrow-happy conspiracy diagram. Let’s call it Chart Brut: Simple, unrefined, urgent, ominous, striving to be informative, and utterly incomprehensible. It’s a digital middle-ground between the string-and-thumbtack cork-board flowcharts favored by premium-cable obsessives like Rust Cohle and Carrie Mathison, and the meaningless tangles of agency responsibilities beloved by security-apparatus bureaucrats, and it’s emerged as the defining folk aesthetic of the 2014 internet. It shows up on message boards and community sites everywhere, attempting to clearly prove and outline connections and conspiracies.
Photos: Living off the grid – CNN.com
“”School, work, family — once in this cycle, you are a prisoner of your own position and have to do what you’re supposed to,” he said. “You should be pragmatic and strong, or become an outcast or a lunatic. How (do you) remain yourself in the midst of this?”
“ -
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Terminology : SWGSTAIN
“The majority of the images were created in a laboratory setting with fresh human blood. For the larger volume stains, sheep blood mixed with an anti-coagulant and a preservative was used. The images are meant to serve as a general example to exhibit the characteristics of the bloodstain patterns.”