This would be a fun way to start off the school year. It’s similar to a number of things I’ve posted before but I liked these and the presentation is really nice. Ways I might twist it for the first days of school – maybe it’s just your summer in 6 words, your prediction of the school year in 6 words or you have to produce one for someone else in the class on whatever topic is chosen. Make sure you show good examples.
Just another example of rules and being “inside the box” driving some really interesting content production.
Hat tip – Jackie Gerstein
Hemmingway famously claimed he could write a six-word story:
“For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”
Here’s an article from Wired that give some other wordsmiths a crack at the 6 word story:
Way back from 2007 🙂
help me fiend a six word memior for a shy quite girl:or i need bigger words for never let friends;or miss out
Off the top of my head –
She lies as she lived. Alone.
Quiet in life, quieter in death.
Withdrawn, withdrew. She left life unused.