#thoughtvectors is in full effect with 108 blogs and serving up 370+ posts. Not bad at all for 24hrs in.
Here are a few of the more interestingly named blogs so far and the associations they triggered for me. Stop by and visit one or wander further astray with my associative trails.
- ~ – yep- just ~, it has to make Jim Groom happy.
- Anonymous Octopus – the malleable master of disguise working for anonymous?
- N30n Ra1nb0w – 1337 speak and gummy worms
- Fully Flared – all 37 pieces
- The Inner Workings of Flyzilla One – the clockwork love child of Jimmy Superfly Snuka and Godzilla?
- Thoughts from a Unicorn – chasers optional?
- uncharted smiles – strange maps abound, some smiles are charted
Love to see thoughtvectors bringing back the tilde spaces, and that person can blog. Love their SImpsons’ animated GIF. So good.