Weekly Web Harvest (weekly)

Interactive: Seeking Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine What kind image interactions have value in history (or anywhere else for that matter)? tags: interactive lincoln abraham history smithsonian weekly New York man sharpens pencils for $35 a pop – New York News I wonder what kind of interactive […]

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Real Life

Jon Wirsing was kind enough to share a couple of baby rat snakes the didn’t want around his house (and his wife Karen was even kinder to deliver them). For some reason we rarely run into snakes despite quite a bit of time in the woods. I think we’re just too loud. The kids were […]

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Weekly Web Harvest (weekly)

“Education is broken, somebody should do something” #altc2013 » FOLLOWERS OF THE APOCALYPSE “These values are enshrined not, in fact, by the actors in the education system but by observers of it – namely politicians, policy-makers and journalists.  And, the increasingly techno-deterministic educational discourse, bringing with it a focus on quantitative measures and whispers of […]

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Bicolored Beans and Dolch Refrigerator Poetry

I’m amusing myself with Javascript and I’m managing to make things. Last Friday I helped unpack some math manipulatives for our new elementary school. They had many, many things to count. Bicolored beans were one of the items I found particularly odd.1 In any case, given last weeks small foray into JavaScript I knew I […]

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This is probably too simple. My belief is that we (my colleagues and I) should make/find interesting things. We should publish them online in a way that integrates these interesting things into the frameworks that govern the lives of our teachers (pacing guides, curricular frameworks, state standards). Associated with each interesting thing should be the […]

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