Yesterday, I decided I’d look for four leaf clovers getting in and out of my car. Not hanging out searching, just opening my eyes and paying a bit more attention. Wikipedia tells me there’s one four leaf clover per 10,000 three leaf clovers.
What surprises me is despite their relative rarity just how many four leaf clovers seem to be out there.
It’s like interesting things. If you just start looking around, you end up amazed at how many interesting things surround you daily that you never noticed.
One interesting thing leads to another. It gets to be harder to pay attention to more mundane things like crossing the road because there are so many interesting things to see and think about.
Generating Questions
I tried to take pictures representing each question I had walking to work the other day. I only decided to do it about halfway in but it was interesting to see it snowball because I made it intentional. The results are embedded below as a set. Additional questions are sometimes in the descriptions and won’t be visible in the embedded view.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Literally Literal
Dodge Caravan takes on a very odd feel if you read it literally. I decided to start capturing all the car/bike names I came across that were also actual words. I’m working on a categorization system for them. It’s another interesting way to shift how you process the stuff that normally just flows on by.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.