I Suck

I received this message last night. . . . I used to love your website when you took some techie idea and translated it for us commoners (non techie teachers). Now you seem to be so caught up in fighting “them” that you have forgotten “us”…the lowly teachers who are just trying to use technology. […]

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Another Stab at Making the 21st Century Classroom Concrete

We’re on revision 3 of our attempt to describe the 21st century classroom and to make it accessible and actionable for teachers. It’s really easy to say “21st Century Classroom,” it’s much harder to break it down and describe the components in a clear and concise way. We’ve taken three stabs at it and I […]

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Technology Integration for Teacher Mentors

Today’s agenda Finding Finding information quickly Google tips cheat sheet Wolfram Alpha Sharing/Organizing Social bookmarking in plain English Delicious My Delicious site Goochland County’s Delicious site Media Integration Library of Congress- Digital Collections Archive.org Flickr Commons– blocked? Try this or this. YouTube – blocked at school? Get it for later Observation Tools ISTE observation tool […]

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Nigerian EdTech Scam

Warn your CIO or technology director! Schools all over the country are getting taken by these Nigerian eLearning scams! It seems they’re selling technology at high rates and making outrageous promises of learning. Somehow educational institutions keep getting taken in! FORWARD THIS IMMEDIATELY!!!! VERIFIED AS TRUE ON SNOPES.COM _________________________________________________________ STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Dear Esteem Beneficiary, Have […]

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From Good to Outstanding-PD on Steroids

From Good to Outstanding Follow teachers as they work to improve their practice with a team of experts. Each teacher delivers an initial lesson, observed by school inspector Clare Gillies, then using her and other expert feedback, they fine-tune their skills and try deliver an outstanding second lesson a few weeks later. This is one […]

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