Photoblogs: Inexhaustible Sources of Inspiration

Many of us have a core set of blogs we check everyday for insight and inspiration. Most of those blogs are text-base, yet there is a subcategory of blogs that focus on images. Photoblogs are blogs that feature pictures either found or taken. The layout and interface of a photoblog differs from the traditional blog. […]

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Discover Magazine Opens Its Archives

Discover Magazine has opened to the public (no subscription needed) complete issues of their magazine dated back to 1992. The website gives you the options to browse, search by keyword, or use a simple list of subjects to look through the archive. What is more, each article has a side bar with related articles. (via […]

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Ira Glass Talks About Elements of Great Storytelling

Ira Glass, host of This American Life, has taken the time to talk about the keys to great storytelling. In these videos (linked below) Glass shares tips on presentation and development of stories. I think I caught him saying “hell” twice, but the rest of the discussion is very relevant for anyone teaching storytelling. Videos […]

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Sound Seeker Google Maps Mashups

Sound Seeker is a project of The New York Society of Acoustic Ecology. They are geo-caching sounds from all over the city. Imagine doing the same with your students. Using Google Maps API you could have a collection of sounds captured in your city, district, or the neighborhoods your students live in around your school. […]

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Design a Space Pennant for NASA

NASA has announced a contest to design a pennant to be flown into space on the STS-818 shuttle mission. From the official site: The STS-118 flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavour will be the first spaceflight of an Educator Astronaut, mission specialist Barbara Morgan. STS-118 is also an important step in the ongoing assembly of […]

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Ficlets A fun writing site (although I can’t promise content appropriateness). Basic premise, you publish a short story (minimum character count 64, max 1,024). Then people add on prequels or sequels. Once you’ve written and shared your ficlet, any other user can pick up the narrative thread by adding a prequel or sequel. In this […]

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