#openupTRU – Simpler WordPress Writing POC

I’ve had a number of requests to simplify WordPress, to make it more Tumblr like. I get that. It was mentioned again while I was at Thompson Rivers University and that inspired me to get it done. WordPress has a lot more complexity than Tumblr and that allows you to do a lot more. Doing […]

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Blurry Reflections – WP JSON API, Angular, & Images

I had a conversation with a professor from the School of Art yesterday that ended up someplace fun for me. The focus was on how technology might help art educators reflect on their work in a visual way. It took me a while to get that she really wanted something outside the norm but we […]

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WordPress Reflection Plugin – Step 1 – Counting Links

The idea that technology ought to help students reflect on their use of technology seems to make sense. As we have more and more students engaging in online writing little things come to light. Take the humble/magical hyperlink for example. We often look at the use of hyperlinks as a marker for progress in digital […]

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Auto Screenshots & New Project Site

Before Mark left us for the green dusty start-up fields of Austin TX we had a conversation about creating a better, faster way to do our examples page. The idea of having a resource like this is always popular but people don’t add content.1 My current belief is that it’s because it’s a hassle and […]

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Working My Sites Filter

So previously I was struggling with stripping out the Participants blogs that the bbPress/BuddyPress combo was adding to the My Sites list. I got it working and added a bit to deal with it kicking out blogs a little too aggressively. First to get the actual name of the Participant slug, I made a page […]

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Benson, Discourse, and WordPress

It sounds like an exciting new buddy movie . . . but it’s an attempt to better integrate elements of our Discourse install in WordPress using Benson (a neat plugin Mark made that lets you use Angular w/in WordPress). I decided to look into this after seeing this example using Twig. Ordinarily, I’d do something […]

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