Gravity Forms + FacetWP = Gravatar People

Having just finished presenting1 at NMC. I said we all need to document more, to show examples and explain what we did. Making the notes for the presentation last night and being able to use the blog posts I’d already written really showed me the value of reflecting on little things in an ongoing way. […]

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Faster Faster NMC Notes

I’m doing Faster Nyan Cat!1 Build! Build! tomorrow at NMC so . . . I’d better get moving on linking all this madness into some sort of coherent story with examples. So take a deep breath and . . . go look at another webpage. This is going to be long. Consider it something between […]

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WordPress Comment Subscriptions by Category

flickr photo shared by duncan under a Creative Commons ( BY-NC ) license It’s particularly helpful in a rather specific situation- i.e. one where you’re doing a mother blog and want to see all the student comments (like Allen did with the #thoughtvectors reader) but since we have students using their blogs for more than […]

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It’s the little things . . . like hanging indents

Towards the end of the day I was asked for an easy way for students and others to do “properly-formatted (hanging indent) citations.” As I use URLs for citation I had never thought of this. A little googling and it seems to be a common issue for people and I eventually hit this old vintage1 […]

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Improved Google Folder Shortcode Plugin

creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Steve Snodgrass In December I wrote a tiny shortcode plugin that would let you embed Google Folders in WordPress. It was mainly to get around the iframe embed issues in WordPress Multisite. This interaction seems to make a number of faculty members pretty happy. So […]

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More Dates in WordPress

creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by peacay As I continue to mess around with time/calendaring in WordPress I thought it’d be helpful to be able to allow users to add specific events1 to the calendar service of their choice. That led me to the javascript. It allows the user to […]

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bbPress and Multisite Sanity Saver/Savior

By default bbPress will enroll you as a form participant on every site you go to when you’re logged in on a multisite installation. It is meant to be helpful but usually results in a headache. People get nervous that people they don’t know are in their users list. Other people want to un-enroll to […]

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Bootleg Daily Create

Given a different type of planning I’d have started with Alan’s Daily Create Theme but that’s now how these particular stars aligned. Instead I had a course site that was mostly built and had been polished in a variety of theme specific ways when the daily create idea came up. I didn’t really want to […]

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