Let the Birds Sing (Feed WordPress Filter)

Sometimes it’s the tiny, little bitty things. This is one of those times.1 Issue: Lesley Bullock is an awesome ornithology instructor who has all her students doing field work and they’re aggregating their work to a main mother blog hub. She is even having them record and upload bird songs which is entirely awesome. The […]

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Semi-Programistan and Other Conundrums

I can create basic child themes. I can make some low level plugins. I can take themes and plugins as they’re given and live with the shortfalls. Lately I’ve become (more?) interested with the space between those two options. Can I use one or two plugins to create the equivalent of on-the-fly-child-themes? Can I teach […]

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Add a Custom Masonry Layout with 2 Plugins

I’ve been meaning to set up a Masonry style layout for my weekly photography posts for a while. After my earlier post meshing together plugins, I figured now was the right time to show how to do it. Sure you could do this with a child theme and some specific themes have this layout. There […]

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Bootstrapping Nonprogramistan

I want to be like Alan Levine someday but as I slowly progressively acquire the necessary coding skills I often make do with various kinds of semi-programistan hackery. Today was an example of that and so worth a bit of blogging. Jesse Goldstein, one of a cadre of most favored sociologists, sent me an email […]

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Gravity Forms: Exploring a Design Pattern

creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-ND ) flickr photo shared by clement127 One of the things we use a lot is what I’ll call templated submissions using Gravity Forms. It’s a solid performer across a variety of activities, disciplines, and instructor technology comfort levels. Costs/Benefits The content is guided/scaffolded so you get consistently constructed products (core […]

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WordPress Multisite- Quick Delete to Reuse Email

Image thanks to Armando. In WordPress Multisite, a user can sign up under an email address. They then decide to delete their account for some odd reason. If they try to sign up again under that same email, it’ll say the email address is being used and will become available in a few days. In […]

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SPLOT Fest – Story Forker using Gravity Forms

One of the things I love about my little community of people is the in-process sharing1 of work. Alan is a master of this and he puts in serious work.2 In an attempt to give a little bit of energy back I present you a very rough version of the LPC3 SPLOT Story Brancher. To […]

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Gravity Forms Black Magic

Gravity Forms makes my list of Non-Programistan tools. I haven’t seen quite enough posts celebrating the fact that Gravity Forms can do magic. The key feature at the moment that is kind of blowing my mind is the ability to use modifiers on the submissions fields— the ability to have the label (what the user […]

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Embed Google Drive Folder in WordPress

>>>>>You can find an updated version here. As WordPress and Google Drive continue to blend in a variety of ways the desire to embed the contents of Google Drive folders has come up a few times. I found this Stack Overflow post a while back and had been using it myself. But in an attempt […]

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Geo Tagging WordPress

First, go try it out if you want. Submit something. It’ll help it make more sense. I thought this would be a lot easier than I made it. I tried lots of paths and considered spending various amounts of money to make this easier. Please benefit (probably) from my wandering. I try to link in […]

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