ACF Repeater Field to Multiple Posts via Advanced Forms

Screenshot of the advanced form interface example.

Origin Story We have someone who wants to allow people to enter various numbers of items in a particular pattern. We want to keep this as easy as possible and they wanted to avoid having to repeatedly hit submit. First Pass – Gravity Forms Repeater Field I initially thought we could do this in Gravity […]

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Rich Text Gravity Forms Field with Media Upload and Oembed

cartoon face eating cheetos.

Gravity Forms lets you turn on the media library button for the rich text editor fields but you have to do it via php. More stuff on your editor options is here. If you leave things that way, it’s nice but if you cut/paste a YouTube URL it comes in as a link rather than […]

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Simple Content Restrictor Plugin

An old drawing of an owl.

Origin Story I had a number of emails from people trying to restrict content in various ways. One person wanted to restrict access because they were editing previously published content. Another person wanted more of a traditional membership-style option with the ability to restrict certain content based on user roles. I looked at some of […]

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Sliders as Inputs

The character Snarf from Thundercats rubbing its hands.

Origin Story There once was a worksheet that was meant to be used in a face-to-face scenario. The goal was indicate where you fell on a spectrum across a number cultural orientation of measures. The challenge was to transform that into something digital that could then be part of a larger conversations. Watch the video […]

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Filter WordPress Title but Only in Admin Area

A drawing of a small terrier dog jumping through a hoop held by a monkey.

I am playing around with unfurling1 open graph data in the WordPress TinyMCE editor. You can see what that looks like in the video above. It’s a lot like the oEmbed experience in WordPress but with the open graph information driving it. I want the data to go into the post body but I don’t […]

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