My date titles continue to get blurrier. The range of stuff covered gets wider. VCU is moving any course with over 50 students to the online format. We’re supporting that move in a variety of ways. Our little R&D group is trying to answer the non-standard problems, questions, media desires. To some degree we are […]
Category: WordPress
Random Work- End of May Edtion
So lots of random work going on. We’re trying to knock out a variety of projects prior to some work on flexible course design with a bunch of people. I spent a lot of time in meetings. I spent a lot of time building content, some grant writing stuff, and rearranging various websites. Thee following […]
A Backyard Hodge Podge of Recent Work
It’s been a bit chaotic over the last few weeks and I haven’t been posting much but I have been making fast videos of things. So I’m going to cram a bunch of those things together here with a bit of text to explain what they are and why they might be interesting. Some of […]
Whitelist iFrame Domains in Pressbooks
PressBooks has a filter that runs in prior to the kses filter and that was removing iframes that we wanted to remain. This bit of PHP in a plugin adds a single domain to the list. If you needed to add a bunch array_merge would let you do that easily. […]
WordPress Multisite Copy Users from One Site to Another
I made a little plugin that let me copy users from one blog to another in WordPress multisite.1 I thought I’d have to use switch_to or something but I didn’t. It’d be easy to expand this to do more tricks for you and have more shortcode parameters but I don’t need them so it is […]
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Clean the WordPress Dashboard & Add Your Own Content
This little plugin is meant for WordPress multisite. When network activated, it closes all the default dashboard widgets and adds your own. It populates your widget with the title and excerpt of any posts on your root blog that are in the category ‘support.’ It’s meant to make it easy for you to add tutorial […]
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Monthly Reporting, A Gravity Forms to Google Forms Love Story
Well not really but I’ll explain it anyway. Gravity to Google There are a number of plugins that tie Gravity Forms to Google Sheets but most (all?) of them rely on the ability to create an application to get authentication tokens. Many institutional accounts turn off that capability. VCU has turned that off. As a […]
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Considering Our WordPress Development Patterns
I believe we’ve developed a pretty solid pattern for making WordPress do what faculty want and making that happen pretty quickly. We have high goals in terms of taking on additional challenging work while also supporting a lot of things and a lot of people so we’ve had to be fairly pragmatic in terms of […]
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Voting in Gravity Forms
This is one of those unique needs but with base elements that are likely to be useful in other scenarios. It looks at the logical operators in Gravity Forms which require no programming knowledge, looks at using cookies to discourage more than one entry, and finally moves to using the API to display data. That’s […]
Zombie Posts/Pages Shortcode
Origin Story This is an odd one but has a number of uses outside this weird scenario. In this case authors have access to Site B but want the content they write to show up on Site A on the appropriate pages/posts. Given this is a multisite I could tie the sites together and do […]