See the Pen wave surfer – waveform by Tom (@twwoodward) on CodePen. I needed to make a quick proof of concept for the annotation of audio on the web. In this case, it’s meant to provide a visual and auditory way to play through interview segments that represent different categories of responses. I found WaveSurfer.js […]
Tag: music
Random Rap Songs for @brlamb
A pretty wide departure from the normal stuff on this site1 but after spending some time with the esteemed Bryan Lamb I thought it’d be fun to share some random rap songs. I’m sure all of these songs curse. Most are offensive. Some are just bad but I still like them for various reasons. I […]
Honda’s Musical Road
The Santa Monica ad agency RPA cut half-inch grooves into a quarter-mile stretch of Avenue K, in the exurban L.A. desert city of Lancaster. The grooves were synched in such a way that driving over them at precisely 55mph caused Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” — a.k.a. the Lone Ranger theme — to echo in the […]